StoryAidEU Final Conference, Wednesday 1st September 2021

Stakeholders of the health sector, medical educators and students willing to explore a new, interprofessional model of healthcare training, have attended the Final Conference of StoryAidEU project on Wednesday 1st September 2021.

Final Conference Programme:

Among others, the following external contributors have kindly accepted to participate and present their latest research in the field:

“Nothing becomes real ’till it is experienced – exploring students, educators and senior nurses experiences and perceptions of leadership” by Ms. Alison James, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University

“The use of television documentary review and group discussion for intercultural learning between nursing students in Glasgow and Singapore” by Ms. Sue Campbell, Lecturer, University of Glasgow

“Enhancing the leadership knowledge and skills of Namibian and Welsh qualified nurses and student nurses” by Prof. Dianne Watkins, OBE, Deputy Head of School, Cardiff University

“Designing an effective online interprofessional learning environment: Implementation and lessons learned from two faculty development programmes for educational practice improvement in the health professions” by Dr. Cesar Orsini, Associate Professor in Medical Education, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia

“Educators of healthcare professionals: the role of the interprofessional educator” by Mrs. Julie Browne, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University School of Medicine

“Service Design and Interprofessional Collaboration in Finnish Social and Health Care Education” by Ms. Sirkku Säätelä, Senior lecturer, Nursing department Novia UAS

On behalf of the StoryAidEU consortium, we’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to what is a successful event and important debate on this issue.

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